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The regulation laying down provisions on business first aid, in implementation of Article 15, paragraph 3 of Legislative Decree no. 626 of 19 September 1994, and subsequent changes, classifies the companies in three groups according to the type of the activities carried out, the number of workers employed and the risk factors.


I) Enterprises or production units with industrial activities, thermal power plants, nuclear plants and laboratories, mining and quarrying and other mining activities, Companies for the manufacture of explosives, powder and ammunition;

II) Companies or production units with more than 5 workers belonging to or attributable to the INAIL tariff groups;

III) Companies or production units with over 5 permanent workers in the sector of agriculture.

GRUPPO B: Holdings or production units with three or more workers not in group A.

GRUPPO C: Holdings or production units with fewer than three workers not in group A.


In group A and B holdings or production units, the employer must ensure the presence of a first aid kit, kept at each workplace including:
  • 5 pairs of sterile disposable gloves
  • 1 Backsplash visor
  • 1 1 lt bottle of iodine of 10% iodopovidone skin solution
  • 3 500 ml bottles of physiological solution (sodium chloride 0.9%)
  • 10 sterile compressed bandage 10 x 10 in single envelopes
  • 2 sterile compressed bandage 18 x 40 in single envelopes
  • 2 disposable sterile drapes
  • 2 disposable sterile dressing tweezers
  • 1 medium size elastic net pack
  • 1 cotton wool packaging
  • 2 packages of plasters of various sizes ready for use
  • 2,5 cm high plaster rolls
  • 1 pair of scissors
  • 3 tourniquets
  • 2 ice packs ready to use
  • 2 disposable bags for the collection of sanitary waste
  • Thermometer
  • Device for measuring blood pressure
  • Instruction sheet: D.M. 388 multilingual first aid instructions

In addition, in comparison to the D.M. the following consumer products have been added:

  • 1 Pack of 8 wipes (3 disinfectants, 2 of ammonia, 3 of liquid soap)
  • Mouth opener and mouth to mouth resuscitator (complete kit)
  • 1 space blanket
  • 1 TNT triangular sheet cm 96 x 96 x 136
  • 2 bags of preparation for gel burns g 3,5
  • 2 elastic bandages m 4 x 6 cm
  • 1 bandage tampon mm 80 x 100
  • 4 rolls of hemmed bandage

In group C holdings or production units, the minimum contents of the first-aid kit shall include:

  • 2 pairs of sterile disposable gloves
  • 1 125 ml bottle of iodine of 10% iodopovidone skin solution
  • 250 ml bottle of physiological solution (sodium chloride 0.9%)
  • 1 sterile compressed bandage 18 x 40 in single envelopes
  • 3 sterile compressed bandages 10 x 10 in single envelopes
  • 1 disposable sterile dressing tweezers
  • 1 package of cotton wool
  • 1 pack of various sizes plasters ready for use
  • 1 2,5 cm high plaster roll
  • 1 roll of bandage 10 cm high
  • 1 pair of scissors
  • 1 tourniquet
  • 1 ice pack ready to use
  • 1 disposable bag for sanitary waste collection
  • Instruction sheet: D.M. 388 multilingual first aid instructions

This equipment must be integrated on the basis of the risks involved in workplaces and on the advice of the competent doctor. It is important to ensure the completeness and correct state of use of the safeguards contained therein.

Finally, in companies or production units which have workers working in isolated places, other than the head office or production unit, the employer is required to provide them with the same package of medication intended for the Group C.

  • Dressing cabinets and fluo cases line
  • Dressing cabinets and cases line
  • Briefcases, dressing bags, special kits
  • Dressing aids, plaster dispensers
  • Anti-burn products
  • Stretchers, transport chair, emergency blankets and accessories
  • Equipment for company infirmaries, defibrillators and breathalysers
  • Emergency showers and eye wash

We are at your disposal for information, requests for quotes and assistance on the products in our catalog. is a trademark of CS Hospital S.r.l., headquartered in Corso Umberto I, 110 in Taranto